Welcome to the Dynevor Revisited Website
If you had the good fortune to have been educated at Dynevor, this is your home website. Its purpose is to provide a contact base and information source for the thousands of past pupils of Swansea’s Dynevor Schools who are now living all over the United Kingdom and beyond.
The website is maintained by the Old Dy’vorians’ Association, whose membership is open to all former pupils and staff of the schools that occupied the Dynevor site. The Association has been in existence since 1930 and is a non-profit, non-commercial organisation.
The overwhelming majority of the images on this site are historical and are in the public domain, or were commissioned by the school, and are not protected by copyright. Much of the content that you see originates directly from our users. Anyone submitting content or images to the site agrees to allow permission for their intellectual property to be published on the site.
We make every effort to ensure that all images and texts abide with copyright laws. However, if we or one of our contributors have inadvertently included any copyrighted material, we will honour all requests from copyright owners and take immediate action on their behalf to rectify any infringements of copyright.
In summary, all images and texts are the property of their respective owners and are provided for informational and educational purposes only. Any infringement, perceived or otherwise, should be brought to our attention immediately, and we will work to rectify it without delay.
If you are the legal owner of an image on this site and do not wish for it to be displayed, please contact us with the particulars of your ownership. We will gladly remove the text or image, or add a suitable copyright notice.
This website replaced the site that was born on Wednesday 24th July 2002, when some five hundred former pupils and staff came to the school on the last day of its life before closing. Such was the atmosphere on that day that the collective urge was to do something concrete in memory of the school. This site and ‘The Dy’vorian’ bi-annual journal (TOD) were the outcome.
Membership of the Old Dy’vorians’ Association has increased considerably since that day, with former pupils and staff from Dynevor Secondary Grammar School, Dynevor Senior Comprehensive School and Llwyn-y-Bryn Girls’ School, which amalgamated to become the new Dynevor Comprehensive School in 1978, among our membership.
More recently, we are pleased to have welcomed staff from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David into the Association.
This website is a focal point for all past Dynevor Schools and the Old Dy’vorians’ Association is looking to maintain interest in the life of all of those schools, which together combined to make Dynevor such a significant presence in the history of education in Swansea. At the same time, by harnessing the power of the Internet and social media, we hope to make contact with younger generations of former pupils, staff and students so that we can keep the spirit of Dynevor alive!
We hope that you enjoy your visit to the www.dynevorrevisited.org.uk website. Furthermore, we encourage anyone wanting to learn more about the Association and its activities and those wishing to submit photographs of your ‘Year’ (or the Teams and Groups that you were a member of during your stay at Dynevor) to contact us via: mailto:[email protected]