DJ Bailey

The schoolboy record of DAVID JAMES BAILEY 1924-28

Having satisfied a ‘Scholarship’ examination, in September 1924 David Bailey aged eleven, joined The Swansea Municipal School for Boys, Dynevor Place, from Waun Wen Elementary School, Swansea. His progress through the school over the standard four year course to ‘matriculation’ and onwards to evening classes at The Municipal Technical College Swansea, is plotted in his school report book and accompanying certificates. The pages, which this exemplary scholar clearly treasured, illustrate fully the subject range and assessment system in place. David left the school in July 1928 going on to study Engineering in evening classes. He worked as an Electrical Engineer in a local steel plant and for many more  years with Alcoa Aluminium in Swansea. He retired finally as an Electrician from Morriston Hospital.  Married in October 1947, David died aged 89 years in 2002.

David Bailey c 1930, and married in 1947,

DJ Bailey Reports and Certificates

[Documents and photographs are courtesy of David Bailey’s nephew, Alan Phillips.]