The Dy’vorian Magazine (TOD)

The Dy’vorian magazine, initially entitled ‘The Old Dy’vorian’ and affectionately known by many as ‘TOD’, was launched back in September 2002. Since that time, a new edition has been available to ODA members throughout the world twice-a-year by post and more recently has been made available online.

The publication of all back copies of the magazine on our website is seen as an important step in building an archive of material related to Dynevor School. It follows upon the successful creation of the School Magazine Archive, which now comprises a complete set of issues from 1910 -1970, an additional number of editions from the 1970s and the Special 75th and 100th Anniversary Editions; these can all be found at School Magazine 1910 – 1979

Past editions of The Dy’vorian magazine have been freely available for all to read and download on the Dynevor Revisited website. However, from 2023, only members of the Association will have website access to The Dy’vorian magazines. With the publication of issue 43, Summer 2023, members will have received a password to access the magazines. To read one of them online, please click the cover of the magazine of your choice and enter your password.

Search (top right) finds text on any page and in the pdf’s of The Dy’vorian Magazine, School Magazine and other documents on the web site. Text on pages will be found, though the success of a pdf search depends on the quality of the scanned original. We are working to improve this so if your search is unsuccessful and you are sure there is something in the pdf’s come back in a few weeks.

So, if you’re a former Dynevor pupil or member of staff, but haven’t yet joined the ODA – and would like to read past issues of ‘TOD’ – now is the time to sign up as a member of the Association for just £10 a year. Contact our Treasurer, Steve Way, on 07720251639; by email at; or alternatively, write to him at 9 Croftfield Crescent, Newton, Swansea, SA3 4UL.  

We are committed to ensuring that The Dy’vorian magazine is interesting, informative, entertaining and relevant to all who have an interest in Dynevor School, Swansea – a publication that all Dy’vorians really look forward to receiving twice a year. So, please let us have your ideas on what you would like to read in the magazine. There really is a Dynevor story in each and every one of us – and, if it’s got a touch of humour or is a bit quirky, so much the better!

If you have any thoughts about articles, any photographs you think might jog a few memories or, indeed, if you have any comments at all about the publication – please just get in touch with the Editor at Articles for publication should not exceed 800 words in length and images should be in jpeg. format. 

TOD 46

TOD 45

TOD 44

TOD 43

TOD 42

TOD 41

TOD 40

TOD 39

TOD 38

TOD 37

TOD 36

TOD 35

TOD 34

TOD 33

TOD 32

TOD 31

TOD 30

TOD 29

TOD 28

TOD 27

TOD 26

TOD 25

TOD 24

TOD 23

TOD 22

TOD 21

TOD 20

TOD 19

TOD 18

TOD 17

TOD 16

TOD 15

TOD 14

TOD 13

TOD 12

TOD 11

TOD 10










Commemorative Issue

During the lifetime of our bi-annual publication “The Old Dy’vorian” (usually abbreviated to TOD) there have been several articles by Emeritus Professor John L. Davies (Class of 1952) which have now been gathered together on the website for the enjoyment of Old Dy’vorians regardless of their Year of Entry.

They can be accessed from the following links:-

Fifties Reminiscences: A 2C Literary Initiative in 1954 (TOD 5)

Fifties Reminiscences: A Celebration of the Hobbies Exhibitions and Bennett the Indefatigable (TOD 15)

Fifties Reminiscences: Dynevor Geography Trips (TPD 17)

Fifties Reminiscences: An Undistinguished Career in Dynevor Rugby (TOD 18)

Fifties Reminiscences: Music at Dynevor (TOD 20)

Fifties Reminiscenses: Reflections on English Masters at Dynevor in the 1950s (TOD30)