By clicking on the Years that have been highlighted below, you will be able to access photographs from Dynevor School; those in black are awaiting items to be posted.
In the case of CLASS photos, the Year relates to the year of entry into Dynevor. In this year, you will find any class photos that cover your TOTAL time at the school. In other words, if you entered Dynevor in 1965, then class photos for that year group will be shown in this year, even though the image might have been taken in subsequent years as you progressed through the school.
In the case of GROUP/TEAM photos (e.g. sports teams, drama and music groups etc.), these are organised by the year when the Group/Team existed or when the image was taken. These photos could contain pupils from many classes/years and you are advised to look at all years relating to your time spent at Dynevor.
If you can help by supplying additional photographs or the names of individuals please let us know by emailing