A War Memorial was erected in the then school hall, in 1921, following an appeal organised by the Headteacher, W.A.Beanland. Photographs of former pupils lost in WW1 were displayed around the walls of the hall.
The war time incendiary bombing of February 1941 resulted in significant damage to the school premises including the school hall and memorial which were destroyed.
A second War Memorial became a feature of the entrance way to a newly constructed school hall in 1961, suitably inscribed with former pupil losses from both World Wars. George Hounsell, Secretary of the ODA, had undertaken the difficult task of identifying those to be remembered.

On 7th April 2016 a rededication ceremony was held at the Dynevor Campus to mark the addition of four former pupils whose details had not previously emerged. Professor Ian Walsh of UWTSD had kindly arranged for the memorial plate to be updated. Following the reconfiguration of the site, to become the School of Art and Design, the plate had been hung on the stairway from the former school yard in 2002.
A further ceremony, on 21st September 2018 saw the addition of a final name from WW2.

[Full detail of School World War losses and events can be found in the publications:
‘Among Some Swansea Schoolboys 1914-1919’ by Tudor Price ISBN 9 780957 417847 and
‘Among Some Swansea Schoolboys 1939-1945’ by Tudor Price ISBN 9 780957 417854]