If you recognize yourself or others please contact us via website@dynevorrevisited.org.uk and tell us about yourself and what you’ve been doing since you left Dynevor.
The character, endeavour and reach of staff and pupils over the time of the school are captured in editions of the School Magazine from 1910, ‘The Dy’vorian’ journal from 2002 and ‘Find Your Year’ photographs, all to be found in this archive. In addition former staff and pupils have added items including photographs and film, highlighting aspects of their time. There are examples of School Reports, Concert and Speech Day Programmes, Sports Days and more………
More recent events including the Association Dinner, Lectures, Rock Night, Class reunions and in particular joint activity and award presentations with the University of Wales Trinity St. David’s, Dynevor Campus with which the Association has active and valuable links, are featured both in ‘Events’ and copies of the ‘The Dy’vorian’.