Completion of the post WWII reconstruction work was the focus of an item on ‘O Sul i Sul’, a weekly Welsh news roundup programme screened on 19th March 1961. The item is now featured as part of the BBC Rewind Archive and can be viewed by clicking here:
Dynevor on the BBC
Note the item is without sound.
The School Magazine Vol 102 informs that:
During the Spring term the New School Hall and Library Block were officially opened by His Worship the Mayor, Councillor S. C. Jenkins, himself an old-boy of the School. Following the opening ceremony, visitors were invited to view the newly opened parts of the School, which included the Library, the Art Room, and the Geography Room.
Somewhat surprisingly no mention is made of a visit by a film crew. Let us know if you recall the event.
Thanks to John Ashley (Webmaster) and Tudor Price (Yr of 1958) for drawing our attention to this item.