A Second Year of ’58 Reunion held on 21st Sept 2018.
By Roger Williams and Phill Davies
Some 45 Old Dy’vorians met at the Grand Hotel, Swansea, on Friday 21st September to renew friendships and acquaintances going back 60 years, to reminisce about school days and to catch up on what happened in the interim. Undaunted, the Reunion continued on Saturday with outdoor activities in defiance of the wet weather.
Our arrival at Dynevor in September 1958 was to a severely blitz-damaged school; but during our tenancy new floors were added to the two main buildings, plus a new library and school hall. Throughout reconstruction staff and pupils had adapted to the disruption, with lessons and extra-curricular activities continuing without interruption. It was, therefore, a special pleasure to have lorrie Mort and Bob Howells with us representing staff at the Reunion. We had a noisy and lively evening, recorded by photographer Rob Mitchell, and now look forward to the 70th anniversary.
Selection of Rob’s photographs and captions provided by Roger Williams.