The school was known as Dynevor Comprehensive School, Mr B. Norris was the Headmaster.
Mr P. Myers supplied the photographs of what is believed to be the Prefects’ Group, Eisteddfod Winners and Ist XV Rugby Team of 1975. Please notify us if this is incorrect and help to fill in the the many missing names.
Trip to Sappada
The School Ski Trip to Sappada in Italy during the Christmas holiday 1975 was organised by Mr G. Jones. Mr and Mrs P. Bashford were accompanying teachers. (Information provided by Gary Williams who was on the trip. Can you add details, names or additional photographs?)
Photographs supplied by Mrs P. Bashford.
School Magazine Production 1975 Edition
Photographs supplied by Mr P. Myers.
Andrew Porter (Year of 1968) recognises himself in photographs 8, 13, 14 and 15. Who else was on the production team? Contact us and let us know.
Photos show Ian Kennedy working in the ‘dark room’. Photographs and information supplied by Mr P. Myers.
Prefects enjoying an extra-curricular activity
Andrew Porter (Year of 1968) submitted these photographs of a group of Prefects: Martin Evans, Ian Thornett, Jason Williams, Martyn Brown and Paul Ridgewell (School Captain), relaxing in a ‘card school’ before the start of exam season.