The school was known as Dynevor Comprehensive School, Mr B. Norris was the Headmaster.
Rhossili Outdoor Pursuits Centre, May 1978
A group of boys spent 5 days at Rhossili, were you one of this group? What are your memories of the trip? Mr P. Myers was the photographer who supplied the following photos; Lyndsay and Rosemary were the Outdoor Education staff, which other Dynevor teacher accompanied you?
Concerts December 1977
The following gallery, supplied by Mr P. Myers, appears to show pupils performing in or rehearsing for different concerts with Mr J. Morris (Music teacher and conductor ). Participants named by Mr P. Myers include Chris Parkhouse, Kevin Hobbs, Nicholas Herepath and possibly Janet Elias? Were you a participant? Can you clarify which events these photos were from or confirm the year and participants for each one?
The School Choir Performs at The Grand Theatre
Ian Griffiths, Year of 1976, provided the programme for the performance of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. We would like to hear from you if you were in the choir.