Year of 1982

The school was known as Dynevor Comprehensive, the headmaster was Mr H. Davies.

Class Gallery

Upper VI Chemistry Field Trip Summer 1983

Photographs supplied by Mr P. Myers of pupils, believed to be Angela Davies, Anthony Rees and Dipankar Ghosh, sampling the water in the river Tawe.  Were you in this group, can you confirm names?  Dipankar updated the list of pupils by adding Andrea Murphy’s name.  What do you remember about the trip?


West Glamorgan Schools’ Basketball League and Cup Champions 1982, Home Economics Competition and School trip to Chateau d’ Oex.


Pupils with Mrs V. Myers; photographs supplied by Mr P. Myers taken in June 1983.  Can you name participants?  See the year of 1981 for more trampolining photographs.

School Centenary Commemorative Service 

The service was held in St Mary’s Church on 5th June, 1983.  The school choir, directed by Mr J. Morris, performed at the service.  Did you attend?  What do you recall of the service?

Photographs supplied by Mr P. Myers.