The school was known as Dynevor Comprehensive, the headmaster was Mr H. Davies.
Class Gallery
Susan Carter née Davies, Year of 1978, submitted the photographs below of two of her A-level teachers. The photographs were taken just before her exams in the summer of 1985.
Ski Trip to Monte Pora Spring 1985
The trip was organised by Mrs P. Bashford, accompanied by Mr P. Bashford. The first 12 photographs were taken on the first afternoon of the holiday when Mr and Mrs Bashford gave pupils a lesson in the basics of skiing…how to stop and turn! Other photographs show pupils on the ski slopes during afternoon lessons with the Bashfords, at the hotel, in Verona on the morning of their return flight and back in school with their ski certificate presentations.
Names recalled so far: Ashley Addicott, Colin Bell, Keri Davies, Michael Dubens, Phillip Gibbins, Catherine Hawkins, Lisa Hopkins, Nicola Jones, Suzanne Lancey, Louise Leavey, Mandy Nurse, Leanne Rook, Abigail Walters, James Welsby.
Can you name other individuals or supply further photographs?
Photos and names supplied by Mrs Bashford.