In this year the school is known as Dynevor Comprehensive, the Headmaster is Mr A. Smith
Sponsored ‘Wood Carry Walk’
Part of the Geography curriculum for Year 8 in 1991 focused on studying the life and problems of people living in the poorer developing countries of the world. An illustrated talk to pupils by the regional organiser of ActionAid, arranged by Ann Barnes, Geography teacher, highlighted the problem of famine caused by drought in Ethiopia, made worse by trees being cut down. At the end of the talk pupils were asked if they would like to raise money for replanting trees in Ethiopia and a sponsored Wood Carry Walk was soon organised.
Thirty-eight Year 8 pupils carried wood off-cuts from Dynevor to the Marina and back. The MP for Swansea West, the Rt. Hon. Alan Williams MP started them off and Mr Brian Ludlum, Chairman of the Swansea Council and School Governors, and member of ActionAid’s executive, met the pupils at the Marina. The complete walk was filmed by HTV and later shown on ‘Heno’ on S4C. Ann was also interviewed by BBC Radio Cymru.
Later that term the participating pupils visited The Houses of Parliament, where a group handed a letter, written by Karina Mackenzie (Year of ‘89?), to Alan Williams MP, asking the government to spend more on aid to developing countries.
The sponsored walk raised £120 and was used by ActionAid to improve food security and a tree planting programme in Dalocha in Ethiopia.
If you were one of the wood carriers let us know.
Dynevor School Presents a Fashion Show ‘In Vogue’
The Models
Form 5 – Johanna Richards, Karley Burden, Sarah Williams, Sian Wheeler, Sally Meredith, Sarah Wilson, Helen Reade, Sarah David, Ali Haydor, Jamie Philips, Kevin Button, Sharon Williams, Claire Cahill.
Form 4 – Lee Rastatter, Jonathan Chappell, Justine Schubert, Mandy Hyett, Louise McCarthy, Sarah Davies, Samantha Jones.
Form 3 – Katie Dalling, Kelly Rogers, Tina Williams.
Form 2 – Hayley Knott, Janine Griffiths, Janet Thomas, Ainsley Richards, Jamie Oakes, Lee Tristram, Matthew Copp, Richard Davies.
Form 1 – Jodie Davies, Marie Godbeer, Helen Howells, Claire Evans, Carley Draper, Ann Cooper, Daniella Montenari.
Juniors – Ashley, David, Ruth, Gavin, Katy, Thomas, Stephanie, Nancy, Katie, Amy, Alexander.