In this year the school is known as Dynevor Comprehensive, the Headmaster is Mr A. Smith
Dynevor School Presents a Fashion Show ‘In Vogue’
The Models
Form 5 – Johanna Richards, Karley Burden, Sarah Williams, Sian Wheeler, Sally Meredith, Sarah Wilson, Helen Reade, Sarah David, Ali Haydor, Jamie Philips, Kevin Button, Sharon Williams, Claire Cahill.
Form 4 – Lee Rastatter, Jonathan Chappell, Justine Schubert, Mandy Hyett, Louise McCarthy, Sarah Davies, Samantha Jones.
Form 3 – Katie Dalling, Kelly Rogers, Tina Williams.
Form 2 – Hayley Knott, Janine Griffiths, Janet Thomas, Ainsley Richards, Jamie Oakes, Lee Tristram, Matthew Copp, Richard Davies.
Form 1 – Jodie Davies, Marie Godbeer, Helen Howells, Claire Evans, Carley Draper, Ann Cooper, Daniella Montenari.
Juniors – Ashley, David, Ruth, Gavin, Katy, Thomas, Stephanie, Nancy, Katie, Amy, Alexander.
Brian Ludlam presented the following photograph 23rd June 1991